Thursday, May 29, 2014

Accepting the Chaos of Life

WOW!  I know that life is not easy and the Lord never promised easy.  No one EVER told me that the roller-coaster of LIFE never stopped, only slowed from time to time.  

I am just as busy at 47 as I was when my son was first born, entered toddler hood and every year since! Where do you find the time to work full-time, have a clean house (not spotless, just clean), laundry done and PUT away, meals cooked, time for exercise, family time, friend time, personal time, date time with the hubby, grocery shopping time, hair appointment time...time with the Lord????  There are only 24 hours in a day and we should really sleep 7-8 hours of that 24 hours, so that leaves us with approximately 16 hours left and for some of us, 8 hours of that is at work, which leaves approximately 8...-1 hour for exercise / -15 minutes for shower/bath / -1 hour for cleaning-straightening-catching dust bunnies-/ 1 hour for lunch / -1 hour to cook dinner and wash dishes as you go / -45 minutes to get ready for work (makeup-hair-dress) / 30 minutes to chatting with family....that leaves me 2.5 hours....hmmm...what in the world did I miss...oh...time spent loving my animals, time spent on the road back and forth to work, time spent deciding what the heck to fix for dinner, time spent watching a little TV to catch the weather, time spent cleaning out litter box, time spent keeping up with my workout girls....time spent???? wonder I am exhausted and all of that time, I didn't pencil in the Lord.  No wonder my days are full of chaos.

I am thankful for the life that I have and for those that are in my life.  I do find myself longing for more time to spend reading.  I LOVE books and reading.  I am thankful that the Lord can meet me whenever I can meet Him.  I just hate that I allow that appointment to be cancelled more than it should be.

Yes, I long for quieter, slower days.  Days that I can actually sit and enjoy a cup of coffee in a rocking chair on a front porch with the breeze blowing ever so gently and seeing God's artwork all around and the creation that He made for my enjoyment and survival.  

The Lord never said my life would be easy......BUT, The Lord meets me each day where I am and gives me guidance, answers, things to ponder and comfort.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mike & Robin

We have lost a dear man of this world and heaven has surely gained an angel that smiles continuously!  Mike Reaves will be missed greatly.  I can't fathom the number of lives this one man has touched over the course of his life.  The smiles and welcoming gestures he has given is too numerous to count.  He will be missed and there are many hearts that are broken today.

This leads me to pray for his dear wife Robin.  They have been together since she was in 7th grade!  A lifetime.  There are no words to describe how she must be feeling.  Angry, upset, heartbroken, alone, emotionally overwhelmed.....the list can go on and on.

Over the next few days, Robin will go through the motions, still experienced disbelief that this could happen to Mike, that this could happen to her.  Questions of why will come forth and questions of what if's will overshadow her days in the next week.  Even though we have no control over our death, we still feel the need to question it.  Even though we know where the person will spend eternity, we still need to ponder it.  Even though we know the person is no longer suffering, we still need to search for answers of why, why this person and why now.  Mike had so much more life to live.  So many more milestones to experience.  Why now and why Mike?  This is a question that we will never have answered here on this earth.

As Robin goes through the next few days, weeks and months, she will have an emotional roller coaster following her.  When she smiles, she may feel guilt, and when she laughs out loud, she may think, "how can I laugh when the man I love has just died?"  I pray she knows it is okay to smile, it is okay to laugh.  Just for that brief moment, life will see normal.  At the same time, she will experience anger.  Anger so deep that she won't know what to do with it.  She will experience heartache.  An ache that nothing can ease.  

For Robin, I pray that God gives her peace.  You can experience peace, and still have all of those emotions and not know what to do with them.  Peace in knowing Mike is not suffering.  Peace in knowing she did all she could for the man she loved.  Peace in knowing she was able to spend his last days by his side.  Peace in knowing a love many will never experience.  Peace in knowing that Mike is and will be smiling down on her for all of her days.

Lord, you know the situation, you know the pain, you know the questions.  Above all else, I ask for Peace for Robin and her children.  

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Isaiah 55:8 (New International Version)
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

On my way home the other day from work, there was work being done in the middle of the road, so traffic had to detour. The same thing happened the following day when I was heading home. When I returned to work I wondered at how many time I've detoured from God's plan and ways. That immediately made me think of Isaiah 55:8 "for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways."

Even though there have been many times that my unending need to control a situation made me take a detour from God's way and plan, I always learned something valuable. The most important thing learned was that I need to always rely on God to navigate my days and my life. Yes, I realize that each time I detour God is sitting in heaven shaking His head and thinking "she should know better by now, Angela, what is it going to take for you to follow M?' I'm not perfect and I sin, so I still find myself taking detours. Fortunately God knows me and knows my tendencies toward a willful personality. God realizes that I like to learn things the hard way, and I am blessed in that God is always there to point out that I made a bad decision, help me turn around and forgive me for being so strongwilled and doing things in my own strength and not His strenght and guidance.

What an awesome God we serve! The next time you have to take a detour, stop and ponder the fact that God's way are different than our ways and we need God to give us direction in our lives so that we don't end up lost.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Who Am I?

Psalm 139:14 (New International Version)
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Matthew 10:30 (New International Version)
30And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Clearly, God knows me and knows me well! How can He know me so well and I don't even know myself? Who am I? Am I a wife, mother, friend, prayer partner, employee? Is this how I am seen to people, or maybe it could be character and personality traits that defines me? Aggressive, loyal, kind, perfectionist, timid in a large crowd, hard worker? Well, to be totally honest, I'm God's creation. If God didn't think I should be here, I wouldn't be. God certainly knew me in my mother's womb and even knows the number of hairs on my head (even knows when I'm losing many strands each washing).

It is hard to know who I am. I've done so much changing over the years that I have actually lost myself. Plus I try to fit a "mold" that isn't Godly, but secular. I want to be skinny, tall, beautiful, happy, rich (actually just comfortable), I want what so and so has and to look like so and so, have my faith be like so and so's, I want to look like so and so, I want to live in a house like so and so's. The list can go on and it is very depressing if I dwell on it too much.

Growing up I never felt "good enough". I was a difficult child in that I was strong willed and just didn't fit the "idea" of other girls. I never truly felt happy and loved, even though my parents did love me. It was "something" missing. I talked back to my mother, rebelled in the worst of ways (no, mom and dad, I never did drugs or drink). It seemed that I always needed a male in my life. I guess I thought that defined me. With that being said, I was always with a "boyfriend" and didn't like it when I didn't have one. Although I wasn't into drugs and drinking, I was sexual by 15 (sorry mom, but you knew this deep down). I thought that connection would make me feel complete and loved. Trust me, it didn't feel that void I had and I had many heartaches.

I even married at young age. Still in high school. Yes, I did love this young man and he was wha was considered a "bad boy". I fell hard for him and loved him. Loving someone as your first true love is wonderful and difficult at the same time. Especially if your parent's don't like him. to this day I still have a part of my heart that remembers that time in my life. It ultimately helped define part of my character. Unfortunately, that marriage didn't last a year and it became abusive. Verbally and physically. Do I blame him? No, not entirely. Remember earlier I said I was a rebellious child, well being strong-willed goes right along with that. We just rubbed each other in a bad way. No, I don't think any woman (or man) should be exposed to physical or verbal abuse, but it happens. We can allow it to destroy us or define us. I chose to allow it to define me. That was a very dark time in my life where I even contemplated suicide. The problem with that was I was "scared" to go through with anything. Ultimately, it was God the entire time and I didn't even realize this. It was a dark time, but at the same time, God wasn't ready for a strong willed and rebellious young woman in heaven! He had enough trouble with me on earth and didn't need anyone disrupting heaven! I eventually called my dad and mom to come get me and filed for divorce. Talk about experiencing life! Was it part of my life worth it? Yes, it was. Do I regret being involved with this young man, no, I don't. What I regret is what eventually happened to us. The violence (not as bad as many women experience) is what I regretted. Now I will say that I did hit back many times, but still, that is no life to live. Yes, this helped define who I am and has given me a different outlook on life.

Now, I am married (been married for 20 years) and I have a 17 (almost 18) year old son. Does my marriage define me? Yes, it does. I'm the wife of David. What does that mean? I have no clue! I've changed dramatically since we first got married and with that being said, it has caused a chasim between us. My morals and values are the same, but I'm not. I've had to step up and become head of the household. Don't get me wrong or misunderstand, David has many wonderful qualities. Being a take charge person and willing to make decisions isn't one of them. He is faithful, caring and does work! The thing is that I'm not sure who I am anymore. I'm not the young bride of 20 years ago. I'm a woman that will be 43 this year and still have so many doubts of who I am. David is a wonderful man and I do love him, but he also is someone that can't accept things as is. With that being said, yes I think we should strive for more and always do our best, but at the same time, I'm happy with simple things. Example would be that when it comes to gift giving, David gives gifts he likes and not gifts I would like. I recently asked him to get me a Carolina tag for my car. He called me Friday and asked me what kind. I decided on a pink tag that was simple. It had Carolina Girl written on it and that was all. Well, that apparently wasn't good enough for him because he purchased a Ram sticker to attach to it. This man doesn't pull for Carolina, he pulls for State, but yet he couldn't accept what I wanted. He had to add his own to it. That is fine, but not what I wanted. This being said, this has affected how I see myself. I don't ever feel good enough, because simple isnt' good enough for David. I have enough issues as it is without not feeling "good enough" or "beautiful enough". Does this define who I am. Yes, it does. It makes me realize I'm okay with simple. Nothing complicated, just easy and nice. Do I need diamonds and a huge house, no! I love just a simple wedding band and small home. Fancy car? No! I drove a Ford Wagon forever and then finally got a Honda, which I love, but it is just a simple car. I don't like being the center of attention like David does. He always directs conversations back to him and he will ask a million questions. Me, I don't want to be center of attention and I will ask just basic questions. Just enough to find out what I need to know or would like to know. Yes, simply living and simple things is good enough for me.

Work! Yes this has defined me. I give 100% and always try to make things easier for those around me. Yes, I can be anal and I like things done right. Now, I make mistakes. I learn from them and actually admit to them. That is rare now! God has been gracious enough to place me in work situations where I am constantly learning and evolving as a person. Will I always be anal? Yes, that is etched in my mold!

Who am I? After all of this, I dont' know. I'm ever changing, but I can tell you that when my walk with God is like it should be, I don't doubt who I am as often as when I'm straying from my path with God. Am I woman, hear me roar? Somedays. I'm a woman that loves family and friends. Stress and pressure are an everyday things, so I do my best to go with it instead of against it. I'm loyal. If you bother or hurt one of mine, then most likely you will hear from me. If you mess with me, then I'm not as fierce. I love being a mom. It hasn't been easy for reasons that has defined me, but I won't list them here. That in itself could be a book! I love work! Yes, I love work. Being able to use my mind and skills is a great thing. I love my job and those I work for and with. I love being a woman. I'm a girly girl and love makeup and clothes. Now if my clothes were a much smaller size, I'd be even more happy! As for who I am, all I can say is that I'm a daughter of the King. My Father is Lord, Jesus, Emanuel and lover of my soul. Being a creation of God is wonderfully complex, so I guess I'm not as screwed up as I originally thought. God made me with a brain, passion and desire. I'm a work in progress, that is what I am and that defines me as I change and grow into a woman after God's heart and plans for me.

Thank you God for changing me, allowing trials and tribulations in my life. That has added to my character and my personality. I'm a complex woman, but one that desires to be more like You and with Your loving ways and guidance, I'll always be ever changing.

Ever Changing

It is so amazing to me to know that I'm an entirely different person today than I was several years ago. I've come such a long way and the journey wasn't always easy, but it is what defines me as a person. I look back on my life and can see God's hand and love always present, even when I refused to believe it. What crazy and stupid things I've done, but yet my God is a forgiving God and for that I'm ever grateful.

Life is like a flower. You grow, you bloom and you lose yourself, and then you start all over again. Thankfully each morning brings opportunities to allow God to work in my life that day and to hopefully say yes and not no to Him. It is so easy to allow the busyness of my life to distract me from God and his soft voice. I'm so trying to get back on track with my prayer time and continuing to read all that so that I will continue to grow as a woman, but especially as a daughter of the King.

We, as women, must remember to take time out of our busy schedule to pray, reflect, read, laugh, cry and just sit in the presence of our Heavenly Father. Jesus even went off to be alone to pray and meditate on his Father. We have permission to do the same. It is refreshing and always brings me back into the focus of God first and the rest falls into place.

This flower is need of a huge dose of spiritual water so that I may bloom and carry out God's will for that brief time.

Thank you God for always being there for me and allowing me to sit at your feet!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Positive Attitude

With the economy the way it has been and so many people losing their jobs and some even their homes, we have settled into a sad and upsetting attitude. There are many of us that don't have savings (I'd fit in at number 1 on that list) and we are barely making it paycheck to paycheck. We are overextended for whatever reasons; family needs, greed, materialistic, the list goes on and on. For people that are retirement age, many are losing their "nest egg". They worked long and hard for money to live on, and some are having to return to work. How sad.

I'm doing my best to remain positive and give positive feedback to as many people as I can. God didn't promise me tomorrow and God didn't promise me earthly riches. God also didn't give me permission to rack up debt and no savings. God does want me to be supportive and positive with those I come in contact with. I know from personal experience that some days just a smile from someone can change my entire attitude at that moment. Kind words can warm the heart of someone that is alone, a smile can give someone the encouragement that they need at that particular moment.

Being positive and being able to laugh at my mistakes really does make me feel better. I have the same overwhelming debt, struggles and despair that many have, but finding the good I have makes it all tolerable.

Smile when you can, give a hug to those that is acceptable to close contact and let the people close to you know that you love and care about them. You may never know how much that type of attitude and caring can change a person's day. After all, how much does a smile cost you?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Decorate and How Much?

Well, it is time to start thinking about decorating for Christmas. Here at our office, the Christmas decorations are up as of today, thanks to Patricia and Kristy (and Faye for all her help as ususal)! It is so beautiful.

Being a Martha by nature and wishing I was a Mary, I can't decide how much I want to decorate at home. Yes, I want my home to look like the Christmas Season, but I don't want to stress and feel like I "have to" decorate a certain way. My son will be 17 in a week and could care less about a Christmas tree. If I put one up, I have to re-arrange my living room and then find a place to put the furniture that won't fit for the tree. Our home is small, but cozy and wonderful!

I've decided that the main thing is that we enjoy the holiday and the reason for the season. I'm going to decorate my mantel and the staircase going upstairs and put out our loved Willow Tree Nativity Set. Of course our stockings will hang on the fireplace! As of now, I"m not planning on putting up our tree. Santa will be leaving mostly money for Davie and of course he always leaves things in our stockings, which to me is the best!

My sister decorated her home as I've just described and it was beautiful, but simple. Sometimes simple is better and keeps the stress at a minimal. With so many of us working and going here and there, why not keep it simple. As long as you are happy and not stressed, everyone else will be happy as well. Now if you do have little ones in the home, you do need a tree....they won't understand not having a tree for Santa to leave the gifts under. If you do have to put up a tree, keep the rest of your home decorated in a simple fashion.

I think this year we all have more stress than normal due to the economy and trying to make ends meet. Cut back on gift giving and keep your life and home simple this Christmas. You will be glad you did. Focus on God and what you are thankful for and what you have been blessed with. It doesn't matter how your neighbor goes all out, or your family member....they are probably pulling their hair out anyway!

Stop and think how to keep your sanity this holiday season and stick tothe plan you choose. If you choose to go all out, be prepared to a lot of time and energy spent doing just that. Me, I'm gonig to choose more of a Mary approach and focus on my family and the Lord.

Have a wonderful holiday season and remember, you can make it as crazy and stressed as you would like. It is our choice!