Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Decorate and How Much?

Well, it is time to start thinking about decorating for Christmas. Here at our office, the Christmas decorations are up as of today, thanks to Patricia and Kristy (and Faye for all her help as ususal)! It is so beautiful.

Being a Martha by nature and wishing I was a Mary, I can't decide how much I want to decorate at home. Yes, I want my home to look like the Christmas Season, but I don't want to stress and feel like I "have to" decorate a certain way. My son will be 17 in a week and could care less about a Christmas tree. If I put one up, I have to re-arrange my living room and then find a place to put the furniture that won't fit for the tree. Our home is small, but cozy and wonderful!

I've decided that the main thing is that we enjoy the holiday and the reason for the season. I'm going to decorate my mantel and the staircase going upstairs and put out our loved Willow Tree Nativity Set. Of course our stockings will hang on the fireplace! As of now, I"m not planning on putting up our tree. Santa will be leaving mostly money for Davie and of course he always leaves things in our stockings, which to me is the best!

My sister decorated her home as I've just described and it was beautiful, but simple. Sometimes simple is better and keeps the stress at a minimal. With so many of us working and going here and there, why not keep it simple. As long as you are happy and not stressed, everyone else will be happy as well. Now if you do have little ones in the home, you do need a tree....they won't understand not having a tree for Santa to leave the gifts under. If you do have to put up a tree, keep the rest of your home decorated in a simple fashion.

I think this year we all have more stress than normal due to the economy and trying to make ends meet. Cut back on gift giving and keep your life and home simple this Christmas. You will be glad you did. Focus on God and what you are thankful for and what you have been blessed with. It doesn't matter how your neighbor goes all out, or your family member....they are probably pulling their hair out anyway!

Stop and think how to keep your sanity this holiday season and stick tothe plan you choose. If you choose to go all out, be prepared to a lot of time and energy spent doing just that. Me, I'm gonig to choose more of a Mary approach and focus on my family and the Lord.

Have a wonderful holiday season and remember, you can make it as crazy and stressed as you would like. It is our choice!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well, here it is Thanksgiving and I should be counting my blessings and thanking God for all He has provided for me. I do have many things to be thankful for and I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you Lord for all that you have provided for me. My needs are always met!

My dilemma is that we are going to my husband's sister's for Thanksgiving. Recently we lost my father in law to cancer. Here is a little background information. My husband and I started dating in 1984 and have been married for 20 years. I've been part of his family since 1985! I've always considered myself close to my in laws. I've done whatever I could, whenever I could. My husband lost his mother several years ago to cancer and we were extremly close. My father in law remarried and his wife is wonderful. The problem started after my father in law passed. When it came time to plan the service, my two sister in laws and husband was at the table. The preacher came in and then my mother in law just completely excused me by saying I could go down and watch television. Now, along with my mother in law came a step sister in law. I've been part of that family much longer than she has, but she was included in the planning. My husband (being a man as he is) didn't even realize that I was dismissed! I felt like an outsider for the first time in that family.

We agreed to go to Thanksgiving at my sister in laws and it was my understanding that my mother in law would be out of town at her daughters for Thanksgiving. Didn't hurt my feelings at all because I haven't gotten over how I was treated. Now, she will be with us at Thanksgiving and the closer it comes, the more apprehensive I become. It is all I can do not to back out of going.

I did a quick search of the Bible about forgiveness. I forgave my husband for not realizing that I was dismissed because most men probably wouldn't have noticed that. I'm not at the point of forgiving my mother in law yet. Not sure I really want to. This is not right and I know that. I have chosen not to bring this up because it is/was a time of mourning and emotions running wild. Bottom line is that even if I do forgive, I don't forget.

With God I can forgive many things and have over the past as all of you have. My lingering question is why does God forgive and forget our sins, and we as humans can forgive, but we don't forget. I wish God gave us the capability to forgive and forget as he does with our sins.

This is a situation that I'm committing to prayer because God is the only one that can give me the wisdom and desire to forgive.

There are many people out there with family issues. Remember these people in your prayers over the next couple of days and for that matter, through the first of the year. Holidays can be fun and happy, but for some it can be dismal and painful. We all need to turn to the Lord as ask for wisdom.

Have a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2008


During this week, be mindful of what you are thankful for. We should also be thankful for the bad times. Yes, that is correct. It is during these times of darkness, uncertainty, stress, and loss that we come closer to God. It is these times as well as the good times that shapes our character and our faith.

We all have experienced "bad times", but know that these are important in our growth, maturity and level of wisdom.

My prayer is that God will open our eyes and hearts to all of lifes experiences and we will find good even at the bottom of a pit we have made home for a time.

Have a wonderul Thanksgiving!

Focus on God

Focus on God

Why aren't we satisfied with ourselves and what we have? God made each of us unique. No two of us are alike. Even twins have differences that make them special and different from each other.

God has given us families, homes, vehicles, jobs, clothes, food, friendships, and so much more. Our homes are places that we come to day in and day out. Regardless of the weather, we know that our home provides a roof over our head and shelter from the rain, snow and winds. Our homes may not be mansions, but then Jesus himself was born in a manger and the Bible never references Jesus living in fancy dwellings. Why do we feel the need to have a large home with expensive furnishings? Why do we feel we need to be like the person living down the road with the huge house and expensive furniture? The only permanent home Jesus had was in heaven.

Jesus didn't have a fancy vehicle to get him from place to place. He relied on his feet or perhaps a donkey. His shoes weren't even fancy; they were sandals for goodness sake. The clothes Jesus wore would have been simple. We are never told that He wore many jewels and dressed in attire that put Him above others. Why then do we feel the need to have clothes and shoes that are above our means?
Why do we feel the need to have a new car often? Why can't we drive the vehicle we have until it needs to be retired?

We are wonderfully made in God's image and God knit us together in our mother's womb. When we are born, we are born naked and God doesn't provide a lot of hoopla for us when we enter the world. God doesn't have a blanket of expensive material waiting for us. God doesn't have fancy clothes for us when we decide to make our appearance. We come in the world dependent on others to care for us.
Our births are generally fairly simple. We come into the world only needing love and guidance. Why then do we feel the need as we get older to have material possessions take precedence in our lives? Why do we need to have what our neighbors have? Why can't we be satisfied with what our God has provided us?

For me, I have lost my focus on God. I have all that I NEED. Yes, there are many things that I would like to have, but God has provided for my basic needs. I have a wonderful husband that is always supportive of me and what I may want to do or not do. My son is a blessing. He is a wonderful young man that makes decent grades, works part time after school and doesn't hang out with people that makes me curious as to what they are up to. I have a wonderful family that I see often. I have several close friends that I rely on when I need prayer or just to be set straight. My job is awesome. I work for a family owned business. Their best attributes is that they treat employees and clients with respect and kindness. They don't try to impress people and they treat others as they would want to be treated. When one is down, they work hard to help that person back up and we all pick up and help a co-worker that may be extra busy or having a tough day for whatever reason. I wish everyone could experience a work environment like I have.

Bottom line is that I don't need a new car, mansion to live in, fancy clothes or an attitude that I am above or should be above anyone else. My focus should be on the Lord and what He would have me do in this world. My prayer life should be first and foremost as well as my ability to listen to my Lord. If I put the Lord first, then I don't have any reason to try to "keep up" with the next person. I just need to keep up with what the Lord would have me do. In the end, what we live in, what we wear and the money we have doesn't make us. Our attitude and the way we treat people is what we are remembered by. I should be about the Lord's business and not my own.

Stop and think about yourself. Are you trying to please God or are you trying to please and be more like your neighbor, friends, church family or just someone else in general? God wants us to be who He made us to be. What does that mean for you? What does that mean for me?

I'm praying that this downturn in the economy will make me stop and realize what is important…..God! If I focus on God then all my basic needs will be met and the blessings will be bountiful. My desire should be to be more like God and not like so and so down the road. I've got a lot of praying and repenting to do. We all get on our pedestal, but God will bring us down if need be.

Let's all be about the business of the Lord and be more like Christ during these uncertain times. I truly believe that if we put our focus where it should be that these difficult times will be much easier.

May God bless you abundantly and give you a peace that you've never experienced before.

Psalm 139:14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.Psalm 139:12-14 (in Context) Psalm 139 (Whole Chapter)