Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Positive Attitude

With the economy the way it has been and so many people losing their jobs and some even their homes, we have settled into a sad and upsetting attitude. There are many of us that don't have savings (I'd fit in at number 1 on that list) and we are barely making it paycheck to paycheck. We are overextended for whatever reasons; family needs, greed, materialistic, the list goes on and on. For people that are retirement age, many are losing their "nest egg". They worked long and hard for money to live on, and some are having to return to work. How sad.

I'm doing my best to remain positive and give positive feedback to as many people as I can. God didn't promise me tomorrow and God didn't promise me earthly riches. God also didn't give me permission to rack up debt and no savings. God does want me to be supportive and positive with those I come in contact with. I know from personal experience that some days just a smile from someone can change my entire attitude at that moment. Kind words can warm the heart of someone that is alone, a smile can give someone the encouragement that they need at that particular moment.

Being positive and being able to laugh at my mistakes really does make me feel better. I have the same overwhelming debt, struggles and despair that many have, but finding the good I have makes it all tolerable.

Smile when you can, give a hug to those that is acceptable to close contact and let the people close to you know that you love and care about them. You may never know how much that type of attitude and caring can change a person's day. After all, how much does a smile cost you?

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